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[Debian] Device anlegen

Hallo DebianerInnen,

Ich habe mein Bandlaufwerk nun doch wieder in meinen Debian Rechner
eingebaut. Die Kernelmodule geladen und nach einem Reboot wird das
Laufwerk auch erkannt. Ich kann es aber nicht ansprechen.

,----[ Versuche das BandLw anzusprechen ]
| fs:/# mt -f /dev/ht0 status
| mt: /dev/ht0: No such file or directory
| fs:/# mt -f /dev/hdd status
| mt: /dev/hdd is not a character special file

dmesg wirft mir folgendes raus.
,----[ Auszug aus dmseg ]
| ide-tape: Dumping ATAPI Identify Device tape parameters
| ide-tape: Protocol Type: <6>ATAPI
| ide-tape: Device Type: 1 - <6>Streaming Tape Device
| ide-tape: Removable: Yes
| ide-tape: Command Packet DRQ Type: <6>Interrupt DRQ
| ide-tape: Command Packet Size: <6>12 bytes
| ide-tape: Model: HP COLORADO 8GB
| ide-tape: Firmware Revision: 2.020017
| ide-tape: Serial Number: US04231839
| ide-tape: Write buffer size: 0 bytes
| ide-tape: DMA: Yes
| ide-tape: LBA: Yes
| ide-tape: IORDY can be disabled: Yes
| ide-tape: IORDY supported: Yes
| ide-tape: ATAPI overlap supported: No
| ide-tape: PIO Cycle Timing Category: 2
| ide-tape: DMA Cycle Timing Category: 2
| ide-tape: Single Word DMA supported modes: <6>0 <6>1 <6>2 <6>
| ide-tape: Multi Word DMA supported modes: <6>0 <6>1 <6>2 <6>
| ide-tape: Enhanced PIO Modes: Mode 3
| ide-tape: Minimum Multi-word DMA cycle per word: <6>120 ns
| ide-tape: Manufacturer's Recommended Multi-word cycle: <6>120 ns
| ide-tape: Minimum PIO cycle without IORDY: <6>240 ns
| ide-tape: Minimum PIO cycle with IORDY: <6>120 ns
| ide-tape: hdd <-> ht0: HP COLORADO 8GB rev 2.02
| ide-tape: hdd: overriding capabilities->speed (assuming 650KB/sec)
| ide-tape: hdd: overriding capabilities->max_speed (assuming 650KB/sec)
| ide-tape: Dumping the results of the MODE SENSE packet command
| ide-tape: Mode Parameter Header:
| ide-tape: Mode Data Length - 23
| ide-tape: Medium Type - 0
| ide-tape: Device Specific Parameter - 16
| ide-tape: Block Descriptor Length - 0
| ide-tape: Capabilities and Mechanical Status Page:
| ide-tape: Page code - 42
| ide-tape: Page length - 18
| ide-tape: Read only - No
| ide-tape: Supports reverse space - Yes
| ide-tape: Supports erase initiated formatting - Yes
| ide-tape: Supports QFA two Partition format - Yes
| ide-tape: Supports locking the medium - No
| ide-tape: The volume is currently locked - No
| ide-tape: The device defaults in the prevent state - No
| ide-tape: Supports ejecting the medium - No
| ide-tape: Supports error correction - Yes
| ide-tape: Supports data compression - No
| ide-tape: Supports 512 bytes block size - Yes
| ide-tape: Supports 1024 bytes block size - No
| ide-tape: Supports 32768 bytes block size / Restricted byte count for
| PIO transfers - No
| ide-tape: Maximum supported speed in KBps - 650
| ide-tape: Continuous transfer limits in blocks - 64
| ide-tape: Current speed in KBps - 650
| ide-tape: Buffer size - 524288
| ide-tape: Adjusted block size - 512
| ide-tape: hdd <-> ht0: 650KBps, 16*32kB buffer, 6336kB pipeline, 100ms
| tDSC

Wie lege ich jetzt das Device an das ich mit dem Streamer arbeiten kann?
Welche Major und Minor soll ich verwenden?

google war nicht sehr ergiebig und der Wälzer von Peter H. Ganten
brachte hierzu nichts hervor.

Für Eure Tips wäre ich dankbar.

Viele Grüße aus Köln

   Ralf Schmidt

PS: Wenn wichtig ist: Kernel-image-2.4.12-586
	      Auf die Dauer hilft sowieso nur Linuxpower.
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