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[Debian]:Compiler defekt oder nicht?

		Hallo !

Ich ahbe eben noch etwas weiter rumexperimentiert und einige andere Pakete
versucht zu uebersetzen.
Folgendes liefert xemacs am Ende:
*** PANIC *** The C compiler can no longer build working executables.
*** PANIC *** Please examine the tail of config.log for runtime errors.
*** PANIC *** The most likely reason for this problem is that configure
*** PANIC *** links with shared libraries, but those libraries cannot be
*** PANIC *** found at run time.
*** PANIC ***
*** PANIC *** On a Linux system, edit /etc/ld.so.conf and re-run ldconfig.
*** PANIC *** On other systems, try telling configure where to find the
*** PANIC *** shared libraries using the --site-runtime-libraries option
*** PANIC ***
*** PANIC *** Another way to shoot yourself in the foot is to specify
*** PANIC *** --with-FEATURE when FEATURE is not actually installed
*** PANIC *** on your system.  Don't do that.

Zum Glueck stimmt das nicht.
vim compiliert durch. Die Frage ist nur welches .deb ich nun 
installiere? :-(

P-3 Das Spiel beginnt. 
Ciao , Frank .

      Bank error in your favor.  Collect $200.

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