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Re: [Debian]: alien = Data type 9 not supported


>alien -d

> Selbes Problem.

Auf Dejanews sind einige Antworten zu finden , aber alle in Polnisch...Ein
weitere Grund noch eine Fremdsprach zu lernen.

Bin ja mal gespannt , was der Fehler bedeutet...


Konnte Visual J noch nie leiden...


                           November 17, 1998: 8:45 p.m. ET

                 NEW YORK (CNNfn) - A federal judge
                 Tuesday delivered a crushing blow to
                 Microsoft Corp. by granting Sun
                 Microsystems Inc.'s request for a temporary
                 injunction to block shipments of Windows
                 98 that contain incompatible versions of
                 Sun's Java programming language.
                    U.S. District Court Judge Ronald Whyte
                 gave Microsoft 90 days to modify its
                 Windows 98 operating system and Internet
                 Explorer 4.0 Web browser or pull them
                 from the market. Current versions of the
                 products are not affected by the ruling.
                    Java, Sun's technology that allows
                 software developers to write applications
                 that can run on a variety of operating
                 systems, is considered a threat to Microsoft
                 Windows dominance. Sun (SUNW), which
                 licensed the Java code to Microsoft, had
                 accused the company of breaching its
                 contract to deliver Java-compatible
                 products....                         schnipp  schnipp...

                 John Soyring, IBM director of network
                 computing services, said Microsoft's
                 licensing terms with software developers
                 makes it difficult for them to translate
                 Windows applications to IBM's OS/2
                 operating system.
                    The government released Soyring's
                 written direct testimony Tuesday afternoon.
                    Though IBM and many software
                 reviewers considered OS/2 technically
                 superior to Windows, the product has never
                 been able to garner mass acceptance, in
                 large part because software developers
                 write applications only for Windows.
                    "Certain terms in Microsoft agreements
                 make it more difficult to port applications
                 developed for Windows to OS/2," Soyring
                    "Specifically, many of the agreements
                 under which Microsoft licenses tools? to
                 ISVs [independent software vendors]
                 restrict use of the tools to developing for
                 Windows. Thus, ISVs, who develop
                 applications first for Windows because of
                 its huge install base, may not be able to use
                 the same tools to develop applications for

                    The government hopes to illustrate that
                 even a company with the size and clout of
                 IBM cannot succeed in offering alternative
                 operating systems because of Microsoft's
                 allegedly anticompetitive practices.
                AHA ! ERWISCHT...!  :)

                    Microsoft, however, said in a statement
                 that it was IBM's own technological strategy
                 that forced OS/2 to the margins of the
                 software market.
                    "IBM focused on optimizing the
                 performance of OS/2 with IBM's own
                 hardware and software products, and gave
                 short shrift to third-party developers,"
                 Microsoft said.  ...schnipp schnipp.....

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