[Debian]: META Taste
Hallo Debianer,
kann mir wohl jemand erklaeren wie ich auf die linke ALT-Taste die META
Taste lege?? Ich habe es mit
xmodmap -e "keysym Alt_L = Meta_L Alt_L"
probiert. Allerdings meldet mir der XEmacs dann nur
(1) (key-mapping/warning)
The meanings of the modifier bits Mod1 through Mod5 are determined
by the keysyms used to control those bits. Mod1 does NOT always
mean Meta, although some non-ICCCM-compliant programs assume that.
(2) (key-mapping/warning)
Two distinct modifier keys (such as Meta and Hyper) cannot generate
the same modifier bit, because Emacs won't be able to tell which
modifier was actually held down when some other key is pressed. It
won't be able to tell Meta-x and Hyper-x apart, for example. Change
one of these keys to use some other modifier bit. If you intend for
these keys to have the same behavior, then change them to have the
same keysym as well as the same modifier bit.
(3) (key-mapping/warning) XEmacs: Meta_L (0x73) generates both Mod1 and
Mod4, which is nonsensical.
(4) (key-mapping/warning) XEmacs: Alt_R (0x71) generates Mod1, which is
generated by Meta.
Ah ja. Irgendwie gibt mir das nichts. Waere schoen wenn mir jemand
helfen koennte.
/ Michael Symalla (Uni-Dortmund Physik E5) \
/ DESY HERA-B Bldg.66/1 office phone: 040/8998 2571 \
/ Notkestr.85 Fax.: +49 40 8998 4033 \
/ D-22607 Hamburg home phone: 040/5000857 \
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/ E-mail: 'michael.symalla@desy.de' \
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/ Fingerprint: CA57 8960 3C3B F4C2 15C8 2116 5FC3 338A \
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