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Re: [Debian]: pcmcia

erikyyy@studbox.uni-stuttgart.de wrote:
> habe neueste hamm
> habe notebook
> mit bootdisk(current) ging pcmcia.
> mit
> pcmcia-cs_3.0.0-8.deb
> pcmcia-modules-2.0.33_3.0.0-8k9.deb
> kernel-image-2.0.33_2.0.33-9.deb
> kommt nun:
> ----------#  modprobe pcmcia_core
> sdfhjkhsdfjkhsfd/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol apm_unregister_callback_Rb7166c6e
> sdkjfhskjdfhsfd/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol apm_register_callback_R4e72ac41
> was soll ich nun tun ???
ich hatte aehnliche Probleme, weiss aber nicht mehr ganz genau was ich
gemacht habe - hier sind aber die Tips, die ich damals bekam - versuch
dein Glueck:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8< - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Let's see whether I understand you correctly.  You have installed the
following packages:


There is an easy way to get a working kernel and PCMCIA combo.  Do the
following as root:

1) cd /usr/src/linux

2) make-kpkg clean

3) make config 
        [ or make menuconfig or make xconfig -- whichever you prefer ]

4) Configure your kernel.

5) make-kpkg --revision custom.1.0 kernel_image
        [ You may substitute another name for custom.1.0 if you
          like. ]

6) make-kpkg --revision custom.1.0 modules_image
        [ This will build a pcmcia-modules-2.0.30 package.
          Do NOT use make modules_image or make modules. ]

7) Install the two .deb files (for the kernel-image-2.0.30 and
   pcmcia-modules-2.0.30 packages) that have been created in the
   /usr/src directory.  You may now remove the kernel-source-2.0.30,
   pcmcia-source, and kernel-package packages if you wish.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

und dann war da noch:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8< - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
I have one more recommendation.  In case your kernel that you are
running does not match the configuration in your kernel source, you
can try manually configuring the PCMCIA source to match your running
kernel.  Note that you still need to have the kernel source available
to compile the PCMCIA modules.  Do the following:

1) Go to the directory containing the pcmcia source (for example,
   /usr/src/modules/pcmcia).  This source should be clean (that is,
   you should not have tried to compile in it yet).  If it is not,
   type `debian/rules clean'.

2) Type: `./Configure'.

3) Answer the questions.  In particular, when the Configure script
   asks you "How would you like to set kernel-specific options?"
   select option 1 -- "Read from the currently running kernel."

4) After the configuration process is complete, type `debian/rules
   build-modules'.  This should build a new pcmcia-modules-2.0.30
   package in the parent directory.  Since you have already performed
   the configuration, the build process will use your configuration
   parameters, which are based on your running kernel.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ich hoffe das war jetzt nicht zuviel Zeug auf einmal - viel Spass!

bye - hb!
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