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Re: Tarjetes sdxc 64 gb

root@palimsesto:/home/joancarles# journalctl -f
-- Logs begin at Sat 2017-10-14 20:19:25 CEST. --
oct 14 20:29:02 palimsesto gnome-terminal-[2395]: Allocating size to GtkScrollbar 0x561ead9b82e0 without calling gtk_widget_get_preferred_width/height(). How does the code know the size to allocate?
oct 14 20:29:02 palimsesto gnome-terminal-[2395]: Allocating size to GtkScrollbar 0x561ead9b82e0 without calling gtk_widget_get_preferred_width/height(). How does the code know the size to allocate?
oct 14 20:29:02 palimsesto gnome-terminal-[2395]: Allocating size to GtkScrollbar 0x561ead9b82e0 without calling gtk_widget_get_preferred_width/height(). How does the code know the size to allocate?
oct 14 20:29:02 palimsesto gnome-terminal-[2395]: Allocating size to GtkScrollbar 0x561ead9b82e0 without calling gtk_widget_get_preferred_width/height(). How does the code know the size to allocate?
oct 14 20:29:02 palimsesto gnome-terminal-[2395]: Allocating size to GtkScrollbar 0x561ead9b82e0 without calling gtk_widget_get_preferred_width/height(). How does the code know the size to allocate?
oct 14 20:29:03 palimsesto gnome-terminal-[2395]: Allocating size to GtkScrollbar 0x561ead9b82e0 without calling gtk_widget_get_preferred_width/height(). How does the code know the size to allocate?
oct 14 20:29:20 palimsesto su[2407]: Successful su for root by joancarles
oct 14 20:29:20 palimsesto su[2407]: + /dev/pts/0 joancarles:root
oct 14 20:29:20 palimsesto su[2407]: pam_unix(su:session): session opened for user root by (uid=1000)
oct 14 20:29:20 palimsesto su[2407]: pam_systemd(su:session): Cannot create session: Already occupied by a session
oct 14 20:29:35 palimsesto gnome-terminal-[2395]: Allocating size to GtkScrollbar 0x561ead9b82e0 without calling gtk_widget_get_preferred_width/height(). How does the code know the size to allocate?
oct 14 20:29:35 palimsesto gnome-terminal-[2395]: Allocating size to GtkScrollbar 0x561ead9b82e0 without calling gtk_widget_get_preferred_width/height(). How does the code know the size to allocate?
oct 14 20:29:35 palimsesto gnome-terminal-[2395]: Allocating size to GtkScrollbar 0x561ead9b82e0 without calling gtk_widget_get_preferred_width/height(). How does the code know the size to allocate?
oct 14 20:29:35 palimsesto gnome-terminal-[2395]: Allocating size to GtkScrollbar 0x561ead9b82e0 without calling gtk_widget_get_preferred_width/height(). How does the code know the size to allocate?
oct 14 20:29:37 palimsesto gnome-terminal-[2395]: Allocating size to GtkScrollbar 0x561ead9b82e0 without calling gtk_widget_get_preferred_width/height(). How does the code know the size to allocate?
oct 14 20:29:38 palimsesto gnome-terminal-[2395]: Allocating size to GtkScrollbar 0x561ead9b82e0 without calling gtk_widget_get_preferred_width/height(). How does the code know the size to allocate?
oct 14 20:29:39 palimsesto gnome-terminal-[2395]: Allocating size to GtkScrollbar 0x561ead9b82e0 without calling gtk_widget_get_preferred_width/height(). How does the code know the size to allocate?
oct 14 20:29:39 palimsesto gnome-terminal-[2395]: Allocating size to GtkScrollbar 0x561ead9b82e0 without calling gtk_widget_get_preferred_width/height(). How does the code know the size to allocate?
oct 14 20:29:39 palimsesto gnome-terminal-[2395]: Allocating size to GtkScrollbar 0x561ead9b82e0 without calling gtk_widget_get_preferred_width/height(). How does the code know the size to allocate?
oct 14 20:29:39 palimsesto gnome-terminal-[2395]: Allocating size to GtkScrollbar 0x561ead9b82e0 without calling gtk_widget_get_preferred_width/height(). How does the code know the size to allocate?
oct 14 20:29:39 palimsesto gnome-terminal-[2395]: Allocating size to GtkScrollbar 0x561ead9b82e0 without calling gtk_widget_get_preferred_width/height(). How does the code know the size to allocate?
oct 14 20:29:39 palimsesto gnome-terminal-[2395]: Allocating size to GtkScrollbar 0x561ead9b82e0 without calling gtk_widget_get_preferred_width/height(). How does the code know the size to allocate?
oct 14 20:29:40 palimsesto gnome-terminal-[2395]: Allocating size to GtkScrollbar 0x561ead9b82e0 without calling gtk_widget_get_preferred_width/height(). How does the code know the size to allocate?
oct 14 20:29:44 palimsesto gnome-terminal-[2395]: Allocating size to GtkScrollbar 0x561ead9b82e0 without calling gtk_widget_get_preferred_width/height(). How does the code know the size to allocate?
oct 14 20:29:44 palimsesto gnome-terminal-[2395]: Allocating size to GtkScrollbar 0x561ead9b82e0 without calling gtk_widget_get_preferred_width/height(). How does the code know the size to allocate?
oct 14 20:29:44 palimsesto gnome-terminal-[2395]: Allocating size to GtkScrollbar 0x561ead9b82e0 without calling gtk_widget_get_preferred_width/height(). How does the code know the size to allocate?
oct 14 20:29:44 palimsesto gnome-terminal-[2395]: Allocating size to GtkScrollbar 0x561ead9b82e0 without calling gtk_widget_get_preferred_width/height(). How does the code know the size to allocate?
oct 14 20:29:57 palimsesto chromium.desktop[1642]: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile

El dia 14 d’octubre de 2017 a les 11:58, julio <jamoros@correu.escoladeltreball.org> ha escrit:
De vegades també ajuda fer des de la consola:
journalctl -f
insereixes la targeta
i mires els missatges que mostra l'ordre anterior.

On October 14, 2017 10:22:51 AM GMT+02:00, Josep Lladonosa <jlladono@gmail.com> wrote:
2017-10-14 10:00 GMT+02:00 Narcis Garcia <debianlists@actiu.net>:
Si la unitat no apareix a parted/Gparted, no és problema del sistema de
fitxers, sinó de la detecció del dispositiu de bloc.

Entesos. ;) Pensava que només li afectava a les SDXC.

Joan Carles: L'ordinador és portàtil amb el lector de targetes encastat?
Apareix el dispositiu amb alguna d'aquestes comandes?

En el meu cas és un dispositiu pci JMicron.
Joan Carles: has provat a inserir la targeta abans d'iniciar el
sistema? Ho dic perquè hi ha casos en què s'ha descobert que així sí
que es detecta el dispositiu i es carrega el mòdul de nucli
corresponent. Altrament indiquen que, un cop inserida la targeta, fent

echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/rescan

s'escaneja de nou el PCI i es carrega el mòdul corresponent.


I'm using this express-made address because personal addresses aren't
masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator
should fix this against automated addresses collectors.
El 14/10/17 a les 09:54, Josep Lladonosa ha escrit:

en aquest fil (d'Ubuntu, però)


diuen d'instal·lar

sudo apt-get install exfat-fuse exfat-utils


2017-10-14 9:48 GMT+02:00 Joan Carles <palimsesto@gmail.com>:

Doncs no!. No apareix. :(

El dia 14 d’octubre de 2017 a les 8:45, Narcis Garcia
<debianlists@actiu.net> ha escrit:

L'aplicació Gparted et veu la targeta i les particions que porta?

Em sembla que l'opció d'arrencada «pciehp.pciehp_force=1» cal en
versions angigues de sistema operatiu.

I'm using this express-made address because personal addresses aren't
masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator
should fix this against automated addresses collectors.
El 13/10/17 a les 21:10, Joan Carles ha escrit:
Després instal.lar Debina 9 porte unes semanes que no trobe per què no
em funcionen les targes sdxc de la màquina de fotos.
He provat i no en trobe manera

* Posar el
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash pciehp.pciehp_force=1"

al fitxer /etc/default/grub

però no va..

No se, si podeu donar-me alguna indicació.


Joan Carles
Usuari GNU/Linux #324197

Joan Carles
Usuari GNU/Linux #324197

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Joan Carles
Usuari GNU/Linux #324197

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