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Re: Debian invites you to its 20th birthday

De fet el 20 de setembre es un divendres i podria estar be com a data.
Que en penseu?
Unes birres i unes braves picantones estarien molt be!
Salud Debianites.

Xavier De Yzaguirre


2013/8/16 <alex@probeta.net>
A 2013-08-12 03:41, hubble escrigué:


Debian invites you to its 20th birthday

The Debian Project, the team behind the free Debian operating system,
would like to invite you to join in celebrating the upcoming 20th
Debian Birthday [1] which will take place on 16 August 2013 in Le
Camp, in
Vaumarcus, Switzerland, during this year’s annual Debian conference,
DebConf13 [2].

1: http://debconf13.debconf.org/birthday.xhtml
2: http://debconf13.debconf.org/

During the Debian Birthday, the Debian conference will open its doors to
anyone interested in finding out more about Debian and Free Software,
inviting enthusiasts, users, and developers to a half day of talks
relating to Free Software, the Debian Project, and the Debian operating

Attending the Debian Birthday is free of charge and is open to everybody
interested in Free Software. More information about it, and a complete
schedule, can be found on the DebConf13 website [3].

3: http://debconf13.debconf.org/

M'enganxa a Bali, i ho puc cel.lebrar prenen doble raci'o de tofu o tempe amb verduretes i arroc o fideus

pero espero que al setembre ens apleguem per cel.lebrar el 20 aniverari prenent 20 patates braves i 20 glops de cervessa (jo estic vell per cel.lebrar-ho prenent 20 xupitos o 20 hores d'intall-party)

ens trobem aviat?

salut, debianites

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