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Re: Modem dial-up USB

Aixó trobat per Internet:
USB = Universal Serial Bus. Most USB modems are winmodems, so many
will not work with Linux. Linux has support for modems that conform to
the USB Communication Device Class Abstract Control Model (= USB CDC
ACM). There's a module for ACM named acm.o. See the /usb/acm.txt
document in the kernel documentation directory
(/usr/share/doc/kernel-doc-2.6.x in Debian, perhaps /usr/doc/kernel...
in some distributions). The ACM "serial port" for the first (0th) such
modem is: /dev/usb/acm/0 or possibly /dev/usb/ttyACM0. This should be
the case regardless of whether or not you use the new "device file
system". It's not really a serial port, but the driver makes it look
like a serial port to software which uses the modem.

Since the bandwidth on the USB is high it's possible to send a lot
more that just data to a USB modem. This means that it's feasible to
create a USB winmodem where the driver does most of the modem's work
on the CPU and sends the results to the modem. So beware of USB
winmodems (unless they have Linux support).

2006/7/3, Ferran Pegueroles Forcadell <ferran@pegueroles.cat>:

Volia instal·lar per a un client un servidor de FAX amb un Debian, com
ja he fet altres vegades amb modems serie o fins hi tot amb targetes
ISDN, però aquesta vegada volia fer servidor modems USB per a
estalviar-me els endolls del modem.

He estat buscant per diverses tendes i per Internet i no he trobat camp
modem USB suportat per Linux.

Algú sap d'algun modem de línia telefònica normal que funcioni amb USB
amb linux ?
M'agradaria saber si algú de la llista te experiència amb modems USB i

Moltes gracies.

Salutacions / Regards
 Ferran Pegueroles Forcadell
 Tels (+34)937252106 - (+34)667658535

Pere Nubiola Radigales
Telf: +34 656316974
e-mail: pere.nubiola@gmail.com

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