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No trobo la clau pública de Debian per verificar la signatura del fitxer dels MD5


Vull verificar l'autenticitat del fitxer de signatures MD5 de Debian però
quan executo gpg MD5SUMS.sign em retorna que no troba la public key

$ gpg MD5SUMS.sign
gpg: Signature made dc 08 jun 2005 09:31:00 CEST using DSA key ID F6A32A8E
gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found

He buscat al mateix fpt, a la web de debian, al google i a les PUF he
trobat això.

How can I verify that the downloaded CD images are correct?

If you use jigdo, the image checksum is automatically verified after
the image has been generated. For HTTP or FTP downloads, use the
md5sum utility to calculate the checksums of the files you downloaded,
then compare them to the checksums in the MD5SUMS files which are
distributed alongside the jigdo files of official releases. An md5sum
program for Windows systems can be downloaded from our ftp server; the
source code is also available.

To ensure that the images were not only downloaded correctly, but are
indeed official images, you also have to verify the GnuPG signature on
the MD5SUMS files using the Debian GPG keyring. CD vendors are
encouraged to do this.

If you want to check many CD image files or burned CDs easily on
Unix/Linux systems, the checkiso script can be a great help.

Però tampoc diu com obtenir la clau pública. ¿?

Continuaré buscant, però estaria molt agraït si alguna persona em donès un cop
de mà. :P indicant-me com obtenir la clau. 

Moltes gràcies d'antuvi. Salva.

Salvador Rueda Pau

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