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Re: true type fonts and xfstt (again)

Aaron Stromas wrote:
> hi,
> in an attempt to use the true type fonts i installed the xfstt, copied
> the fonts from a windows machine and added "FontPath "unix/:7101" to
> my XF86Config. unfortunately, my X server will not start. it quits
> with "could not open default font 'fixed'".
> i have also tried this: 1) commented out the unix:7101 font path, 2)
> started x, 3) started xfstt (xfstt &), 4) added font path (xset fp+
> unix/:7101), and 5) ran xfontsel -pattern
> "-*-*-*-*-tt-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" which produced "no match". it appears,
> i'm not getting the true type fonts.
> any explanations of what is wrong and how to correct the problem would
> be much appreciated.
> also, the windows font directory contain a bunch of *.fon which 'file'
> says is ms-dos executable. what is it? it has 8514fix.fon, so maybe it
> has something to do with the fixed font. quite a few font names are
> capitalised, does it matter?
> please, cc me, as for a variety of reasons, i'm not currently on the
> list. tia,
> -a
> --
> Aaron Stromas     |   "Tick-tick-tick!!!... ja, Pantani is weg...."
> Oracle Corp.      |                  BRTN commentator,
> +1 703 708 6821   |                  L'Alpe d'Huez, 1995 Tour de
> France

  Adding FontPath  "unix/:7101" as the last line in XF86Config and
running xfstt --sync worked for me.

  I only copied the *.ttf fonts.  I don't think xfstt can use the 
*.fon ones.

  I, also, rebooted my machine to get rid of the error msg, however, I'm
not sure that's necessary.



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