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Re: Internet connection

I assume you are using pppconfig to set up the dialing.  When it asks for
a name for the connection give it a name.  After everything else is OK
type this at a root prompt: pon XXXX (where XXX is the name you gave the
connection) and your modem should start-up.



On Fri, 30 Apr 1999, Alessandro Giacomin wrote:

> Hi everybody, I'm a brand new user of Linux and I have a very simple
> question (for you, but not for me...). I've installed Debian distribution
> and when required I've entered my ISP connection data. Now the question is
> (don't laugh please): how do I connect to the Internet? I've tried typing
> pppon but my modem doesn't seem to care and bash returns with no error
> messages. Do I need some specific drivers for my modem, or any particular
> module. Othe question: how can I set-up my sound card (SB16 non-PnP)? Thanks
> a lot, you'll be my saviour!
>      -------------------------------------------------
>      Alessandro Giacomin
>      Computer Engineering, University of Padova
>      mailto:aleg@email.com --- ICQ:4655913
>      http://www.aleg.zzn.com
> -- 
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Ian Setford                                               ians@unt.edu

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