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Re: PS2 and gpmconfig

I've experienced lock-ups when installing Debian on a system with a
ps2 mouse. I have to remeber to not move the mouse until I get the
psaux support loaded (kernel module) and before running gpmconfig. You
may have to rebuild your kernel for this support. The kernel module is
called psaux.

On Thu, Apr 29, 1999 at 09:20:03AM +0200, Nils-Erik Svangård wrote:
> I recently bought a PS2 mouse and a PS2 adapter. I fitted the PS2 adapter
> on the motherboard,and connected the mouse. Went to the bios and enabled
> PS2 mouse. When I rungpmconfig the keyboard locks, when i go to the bios
> and try to use the mouse, the keyboard locks. And yes I'm sure I put the
> adpter in the right way (I checked the manual) and I hvae tried it the
> other way around to.
> The mouse work on other computers..
> Any ideas....?
> /nisse
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   Jim Foltz <aa204@acorn.net> <jfoltz@raex.com>
ACORN techie <http://www.acorn.net>
      AOL/IM Jim Foltz

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