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boot record recovery??

Hi people,

I've been extremely stupid a few moments ago. I did 'dd if=resc.bin
of=/dev/hda' instead of 'of=/dev/fd0'. I accidentally rewrote the first
data on my first hard disk!!

This is what my partition table on /dev/hda was like: hda1 & hda2.
hda1: win95 partition (fat16), bootable, approx. 1.5 gig
hda2: linux native, rest of the drive, approx. 1 gig

lilo was installed on this drive, 'dd' reported 2880 records written to

I'm desperately searching for a way to recover my data. Does anyone know a
dirty way to do this, preferably with as little damage as possible? 
Maybe anyone has got experience with specific software to deal with this
kind of problem? (could eg. Partition Magic do "magic" here?)

This was not my linux root disk, so I can still access that (with a
bootdisk ofcourse). A DOS partition is more dramatic.

--thanks in advance!

--:: Nico Galoppo ::--------------------------------------------------
--:: scratch at ace.ulyssis.student.kuleuven.ac.be ::-----------------
  ::                                               ::
--:::::::::::::::::::::::::: Linux - Free power for the masses ::::::: 

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