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Re: Apache?

-----Original Message-----
From: ktb <xyf@inetnebr.com>
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
Date: Tuesday, April 27, 1999 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: Apache?

>ying shang wrote:
>> When I boot the Debian, I find that it tells me Apache starting. But I
>> not find out where is the home directory of the apache.
>The command 'which' will show the path to the program, for example used
>with the program Joe,
>~$ which joe

Good advice, but Apache runs a daemon called 'httpd'.  If you know it's
running, try 'ps ax | less' .

>or you could use,
>~$ whereis joe
>joe: /usr/bin/joe /etc/joe /usr/man/man1/joe.1.gz
>for more info use 'locate'
>~$ locate joe
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