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Re: UMAX 1220S, SCSI card (436P?)

Je 1999/04/27(2)/ 9:04, H C Pumphrey montris sian geniecon skribante:

> On Mon, 26 Apr 1999, joost witteveen wrote:

> This sounds as if it could be the same card as is supplied with the Artec
> AT12 scanner. Here is the message I sent to SANE-Devel recently about
> this. I have updated it slightly since then. If you get this card to work,
> do please tell me!

Just tell mi where I can send that check for GBP 15 that you've just won!

It works all perfectly, even better than what you describe: I can
scan multiple images (well, I've scanned 3 now, but I assume it will
work indefinately).

All that I do differently is that I've got linux 2.2.3 here.
For the rest, I started my kernel with the same boot prompt as you
described, card got recognised, same for scanner, and sane just 
works. If I can help you by giving any more information, I'll be
glad to do so!

Many thanks,

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