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Re: Java development under Debian

Daniel Barclay <daniel@dsb.smart.net> writes:
| > From: Bruce Sass <bsass@ecn.ab.ca>
| ...
| > On 9 Apr 1999, Gary L. Hennigan wrote:
| > 
| > > ... how do I install
| > > them so that I don't have to explicitly list the jar files in a
| > > classpath...
| > 
| > Put them where they should be, then add the files to the appropriate
| > /var/lib/dpkg/info/java-pkg.list file.  The "convention" is so that the
| > package manager knows about the files, manually adding them to the .list
| > accomplishes that. 
| How will that help?  None of those files sets the class path.

I solved the problem by first unjarring all the Java packages, zipping
all the class files and putting the *.zip files in
/usr/local/lib/java, which I then added to my CLASSPATH environment
variable. Works like a champ and I didn't have to mess with the Debian
installation database or put them in a system directory managed by
Debian. I don't recall the exact details but if someone else needs the 
info I'll look at my home system tomorrow.


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