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Re: Debian vs. RedHat

>>>>> "Brent" == Brent A Busby <claevius@news.wwa.com> writes:

    Brent> Here's the fun part.  What it *tries* to do is very good
    Brent> and powerful.  Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be able to
    Brent> do it without generating profuse errors faster than the eye
    Brent> can read for screens and screens.  I was told back in the
    Brent> Hamm days that this was normal, that dselect checks
    Brent> dependencies but not incorrect sequences of installation
    Brent> (i.e., accessory components could try to throw themselves
    Brent> at the drive before the program they go with existed).  I
    Brent> could hardly believe it.  The official word from the Debian
    Brent> site was that you were supposed to run dselect over and
    Brent> over until the "pieces fell into place", that enough runs
    Brent> and it'd all get there, maybe messy, but it's all there,
    Brent> right?  Oh brother. 

If you use 'apt' as a Access method in 'dselect', you should not get
any of these errors.  The apt method is smart enough to figure out all 
such dependencies before installing and configuring.

Just install the 'apt' package, and choose it under [A]ccess in
dselect.  This is default with slink and potato.


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