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Well, let's see.  You're looking for somthing that you know was said on this
mailing list recently.  Dosn't that suguest to you that you want to look at
the mailing list archives?  So you go to "www.debian.org" in your favorite
web browser, and find "Mailing List Archives" on the map to the left.  From
there, you find the April 1999 debian-user, and search for SIOCADDRT (using
alt-f in netscape or / in lynx).  You'll find it in the third page of
debian-user for this month.  You can find two specific fixes on that page,
mine (http://www.debian.org/Lists-Archives/debian-user-9904/msg01303.html),
and Wayne Topa's

	-=- James Mastros
"My friend Data: You see the world with the wonder of a child, and that
makes you more human then any of us."
	-=- Lt. Tasha Yar, upon the occasion of her death.

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