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Re: Debian vs. RedHat

Well, I just recently installed Debian for the first time, via FTP via a
LAN. I'd say I was a "reasonably-experienced end user" but no computer
expert. I found that provided you take the time to think about things
logically, the Debian installation script was quite OK and that  Dselect
provides a perfectly adequate way of managing the packages on a system.
I've managed to get everything up and running without undue trouble. 

Last time I installed Linux a couple of years ago (the slackware
distribution), the installation went OK but there was nothing like
dselect, and subsequently trying to install some software to do
something with promised to be quite a task. I expect slackware's made
plenty of progress since then, but in any case, I've been able to do
something productive with my system quite quickly with Debian.

If you consult www.linux.corel.com, you'll see that Corel intends to
take the Debian distribution and render the installation process, etc,
even more user friendly some time this summer, so I expect we'll see
Linux "come to the masses" pretty soon now.

In any case, the real learning curve with Linux starts after installing:
actually getting it installed is just the start of a long road...


Brian Servis wrote:
> *- On 16 Apr, Dan Nguyen wrote about "Re: Debian vs. RedHat"
> > In article <7f8i7t$c08@tekka.wwa.com> you wrote:
> > : In article <MPG.11734320c76ffa9f989761@news.bctel.net>,
> > : Luca Filipozzi <lucanntp@ise.bc.ca.spamsucks> wrote:
> >
> > : :It's unfortunate that the Debian install is difficult in comparison to
> > : :RedHat.
> >
> > : In some ways, I actually think it's hard compared to Slackware.  And
> > : that's BAD......
> >
> > Honestly how often do you install?   Hopefully not very often.
> >
> Personally I only installed once or twice back with Debian 0.96R? days.
> After that I have upgraded via modem all the way to now with 2.1 and
> bits of potato.  2.1 was the only one I had a 56k connection with, all
> the other were with 28.8 or 14.4.  Try that with any other
> distribution.
> My two cents,
> --
> Brian
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,
>  because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes."
>                                                            - unknown
> Mechanical Engineering                                bservis@usa.net
> Purdue University                   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
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