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Re: Help! Fetchmail broke


] I checked /var/spool/mail and all folders are either root/mail or srgore/mail
] with rwx rw  rw.

The last rw allows any user to read and write to the files (mailboxes),
what makes it a horrible security hole. Quickly run 
chmod 1770 /var/spool/mail/*
to get things back to normal.

( Fábio Olivé Leite                            olive@inf.ufrgs.br )
(              http://descartes.ucpel.tche.br/~olive              )
( Linux - Distributed Systems - Fault Tolerance - Security - /etc )
(        BC 50 7F 7A B9 2E 0A 26   91 8A D1 C0 B1 E4 DA A4        )

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