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Re: ALSA, OSS and kernel drivers - all about sound

Piotr Domagalski <pdomagal@kk.kalisz.pl> writes:

> Hi!
> I've asked many times about installing YAMAHA-OPL3SA3 (it's still actual,
> so if anyone did that please give me some info about doing this) but this
> mail is about something else. What's the difference between ALSA, OSS
> (comercial) , OSS/Free (and is OSS/Free the same as kernel sound drivers
> 2.0.x or 2.2.x ?). And are there any other linux sound drivers ?

Which kernel do you use ??

If Kernel 2.2.x then look at http://alsa.jcu.cz and get the
alsa-drivers, libs utils and the alsa-conf.  With this you should get
your Sound running... It works on my Aver 368T Laptop too...


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