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Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

>>>>> In article <[🔎] 19990404104438.A182@rising.com.au>, Hamish Moffatt
>>>>> <hamish@debian.org> writes:

Hamish> What is your point? I never claimed unsolicited attachments
Hamish> were acceptable, only that solicited ones of any size should
Hamish> work.

Then pay for it.

The problem is not the transport but at your ISP. Your ISP has to save 
the message and he has to pay for the bandwidth. Donate your ISP a big 
harddisk and i think he will loosen your disk-quota. Pay for the
bandwidth and i think you will be able to get even very big messages.

Hmmm... maybe there's still a problem with the ISP of the sender.

The main point is: Traffic is expencive. And traffic is dangerous.

If ISP allow even very big mails, than it will them cost much money
and even worse they are more vulnerable to attacs (for example denial
of service). Do you really want that?

And last but not least: There are other ways to transfer the big
data. And these ways are less dangerous cause they are designed for
big data like files.

But i think we are off-topic here now.

Until the next mail...,

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