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Re: Linus Torvalds at the Pearly Gates

On Thu, Apr 01, 1999 at 07:48:27PM -0600, Jonathan Hayward wrote:
> 1: XFree86 was downgraded from 3.3.3 to  3.3.3 supports my video
> card; does not.  This means that my X display is now
> (mal)functioning at 320x200 -- I can see the lower right quadrant of an
> xterm.  The machine was also set to start xdm on boot; coming in with a
> rescue floppy was the only way I could figure out to get it to boot and
> give a text terminal (I did not have the boot scripts start xdm before).

I seriously doubt you got "downgraded" to

For one thing, XFree86 did not ship with slink.  XFree86

Also, XFree86 3.3.3 did not ship with hamm.  What probably happened is that
you installed XFree86 3.3.3 in a manner that bypassed the Debian packaging
system, and did not use the "equivs" package, or "dpkg-divert", or some
other Debian-supported tool, to let the packaging system know that you had
done it.

There is not a reasonable way to determine whether or not a user has
bypassed the packaging system without telling it.  One (very poor) solution
would be to ship pre-calculated md5sums of every file that ships with a
given package, and check each each and every one against md5sums of the
actual installed files at upgrade time.  For packages the size of X, you
would be very, very unhappy with this approach.

So, dpkg either thought you didn't have X installed at all, or thought you
had an older version installed (maybe the one that came with hamm).  So as
far as it new, there was a newer version of XFree86 available than you had

As for the xdm situation, this has been covered, covered, and covered
again.  Did you read the Release Notes for slink?  Perhaps not.  But...

Does this prompt look familar?

The xbase package is obsolete and may be removed (with "dpkg --remove xbase").
If you are upgrading from Debian 2.0 or earlier, you should read the
/usr/doc/xbase/README.Debian file.  Read this file now? (y/n) [y]

Perhaps not, or perhaps you ignored it.  Here is some of the information
from that README file.

Important things to note:
1) Now that it has been upgraded, the xbase package should be removed as
   soon as is convenient.  Leaving it in place will make it necessary to
   use the "--force-depends" option to dpkg to remove any package that
   xbase depends on (like xdm and xfs, see below.)
  dpkg --remove xbase

2) xdm and xfs (among other programs) are now in their own packages.  They
   will start automatically on boot if they are installed.  If you do not
   desire this, remove the packages before your next reboot.
  dpkg --remove xdm
  dpkg --remove xfs

G. Branden Robinson              |    Convictions are more dangerous enemies
Debian GNU/Linux                 |    of truth than lies.
branden@ecn.purdue.edu           |    -- Friedrich Nietzsche
cartoon.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |

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