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Re: Question About ipmasq

How about first setting up your firewall rules to a
pretty basic form.


iptables -P INPUT DROP
iptables -P FORWARD DROP

That will make it default not allow any connections at
all, then just set the specific port/destination that
you want the box to allow while you are getting ipmasq
and the other services you feel you need, then plug in
the rj45 and update your box.


--- "Thomas H. George,,,"
<georgeacct@spininternet.com> wrote:
> I am in the process of setting up a computer to
> serve as a firewall 
> between my network and the internet.  Thus far I
> have assembled a system 
> with two ethernet cards, installed Woody from a CD
> set purchased a year 
> ago and built a 2.4.18 kernel according to the
> instructions in the 
> latest release of the IP-Masquerading-HOWTO.  At
> this point the system 
> is a stand alone computer that has never seen the
> internet.
> Question:  How to do security updates and install
> ipmasq-3.5.10 without 
> any chance of contaminating the firewall system. 
> Can I use apt-get 
> install ipmasq on this computer with a 2.4.20 kernel
> and an uptodate 
> testing distribution, edit the scripts and transfer
> them to the future 
> firewall via a cd or is thare a way to configure the
> firewall computer 
> so it can listen to nothing but a debian mirror and
> then connect it to 
> the internet to download the updates and packages
> needed?
> Tom George 
> -- 
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