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Re: Is this why you shouldn't log in as root?

* Ron Johnson (ron.l.johnson@cox.net) [030429 11:22]:
> On Tue, 2003-04-29 at 10:31, Vineet Kumar wrote:
> > * Ron Johnson (ron.l.johnson@cox.net) [030428 23:35]:
> > > At the console, I log into root on occasion for things like upgrading
> > > the NVIDIA driver, restarting X after upgrading XFree, etc, and am not
> > > afraid of it.
> > 
> > <yoda>You will be.  You will be.... <snicker mood="foreboding"/></yoda>
> Why?  What's the diffie between that and logging in as <user> and 
> then doing "su -"?  It's not like I live logged in to root...

Yeah, I know.  It was just a joke.  On some level, though, you should
always fear root a little bit.  Each thing you do, you should ask
yourself "do I *need* to be doing this as root?"  For this reason, I
prefer sudo, and only do specific command lines as root.

good times,

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