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Re: libXFt and konqueror

On Mon, Apr 28, 2003 at 01:38:33PM +1000, John Habermann wrote:
> I upgraded to gnome 2.2 a couple of days ago and in the process upgraded 
> libXft2 and now I am having problems with konqueror. Whenever I try to 
> start konqueror it fails with the following error
>    "konqueror: relocation error: /usr/X11R6/lib/libXft.so.2: undefined 
> symbol: FcInit"

Is apt happy with your current set of packages (ie no unsatisfied
dependencies)?  A package should Depend on anything it needs to run [1],
especially libraries like this, so it's a bug somewhere if it's not

As Alan said, libfontconfig provides this symbol.  Have you rerun
'ldconfig -X' to regenerate the ld.so cache?  That's all I can think of.

> Anyone have any ideas? I have tried reconfiguring libXft.so.2 but that 
> didn't give me any options. I am running Sid on a powerpc with kde3.1 
> and gnome2.2 installed although I am actually trying to start konqueror 
> in icewm, although I wouldn't think that would matter.

It should work.

[1] Aside from base packages, of course.

Rob Weir <rweir@ertius.org>                              http://www.ertius.org/
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