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Re: "Microsoft" Project for Linux

On Wed, 2003-04-23 at 16:23, Fernando Shayani wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Does anyone knows a software like Microsoft Project, but for Linux?

$ apt-cache search "project management" | sort
dcl - GNU Enterprise - Double Choco Latte
kdevelop - An IDE for Unix/X11
kdevelop-data - Platform independent data files for the kdevelop package
kdevelop-doc - Documentation for the kdevelop package
kfocus - Lightweight project management program for KDE
mrproject - A Project Management Application for GNOME2
qt3-designer - Qt3 Designer
tutos - The Ultimate Team Organisation Sofware

> Version: PGP 8.0.2 - not licensed for commercial use: www.pgp.com
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> =BNxe
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