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Re: Users ready for Debian on the Desktop

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On Sun, Apr 20, 2003 at 12:21:45AM -0400, Roberto Sanchez wrote:
> >Latest OS versions, bare drive, and associated manufacturer drivers
> >for each.
> I think that when you compare the install of the just base operating
> system things are basically even, possibly even tilted in MS's favor.
> But when you consider that with Debian, for instance, as part of the
> OS install you can dselect a whole mess of crap 

Correct.  However, the install will still as a number of questions a
normal user will have no clue how to answer.  Regardless of whether
there are sources for them to prepare from, they normally don't bother.
Thus, the Linux installation (Debian or otherwise) is normally more

> Compare just the time it would take to outfit Win2000 or WinXP with a
> seperate piece of software for each service (not to mention the reboot
> needed after each install and the three or four during the base OS
> install) and it could well be a solid day or two before the machine is
> ready to go.

No where near that long.  I provide support for both Linux and Windows
systems.  Yes there are more reboots for a Windows system, but the
time estimate provided above is WAY off.

Jamin W. Collins

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