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xv saving as smaller size

I noticed this in September, but a friend just ran into in, and I
thought I'd file a bug if it's appropriate.

If you want to rename files in xv (which is logical for many of us
with digicams), xv actually resizes the file to the viewed size!
Like, if your screen is 1024 x 768, but you're viewing the 1600x1200
pic you just took, and you click "save as" and type "foo.jpg", the
foo.jpg will be only 1024x768, not the larger size.  This bit me in
the ass before; I've since written a wrapper that shows me my pix in
xv but then prompts me on the command line for a filename.

Is this considered a feature?  Seems like a bug to me ... my only
question would be if xv is included in debian or not.  An apt-cache
search turns it up with my sources.list, but I seem to remember that
it wasn't for some reason.

So, can I file a bug?


    .~.      nori @ sccs.swarthmore.edu
    /V\  http://www.sccs.swarthmore.edu/~nori/jnl/
   // \\          @ maenad.net
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