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Re: .htaccess problem

On Mon, Apr 07, 2003 at 04:14:05PM +0800, axacheng wrote:

| i using .htaccess to restrict user to use web resource . 
| However, i type correct username & password in box that the web
| browser pops up when i attempts to access resource in protected
| area.
| i got error message in /var/log/apache/error.log as following : 
| [Mon Apr  7 15:31:27 2003] [error] [client] Search
|       must return exactly 1 entry; found 0 entries for search
|       (&(objectclass=*)(uid=tester)): URI /admin

Your LDAP backend has no entries where uid is "tester".

| However, when i execute "ldapsearch" command  , the result as follow:
| backup:/var/www/admin# ldapsearch -x -h -b dc=ezplay,dc=tv uid=tester
| version: 2
| #
| # filter: uid=tester
| # requesting: ALL
| #

There's no entries here ...

| # search result
| search: 2
| result: 0 Success
and ldapsearch's counter also counted 0 entries.

Your LDAP backend has no entries where uid is "tester".

| i am NO any idea to solve this problem,  and i have been tried to
| find out answer in Maillist........Unfortunately,i didnt got answer
| about my problem....

The solution is to create that user account in the LDAP database.


(A)bort, (R)etry, (T)ake down entire network?

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