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Re: login as root to GUI

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Please turn your line wraps on to something more sensable like 72
columns per line instead of one paragraph per line.

On Wed, Apr 02, 2003 at 04:50:59PM -0700, castf@shaw.ca wrote:

> Being a newbie I had the same problem that you had I couldnt log
> onto X with the root account. This is actually meant to be that
> way. The reason being is that if you want to do any system
> administration you should log in with a regular account and use the
> "SU" command as you mentioned below that you had done that.

su -m, actually, since this will preserve your Xauthority and
$DISPLAY and let root-running programs connect to your display.

> When you find yourself at the Windows X log on screen and only have
> the root account created, you can switch to the command line by
> using "ALT-F7" I think, 

Ctrl-LeftAlt-F1 through F6.  LeftAlt-F7 takes you back to [kxg]dm.

> if that is not the right command then read
> the man pages and it should be there. Once in the command line, you
> are allowed to log in as root (Although still not recommended) and
> you can create a user account. I hope that helps!

Well, if the only user existing is root, then you have to log in as
root to create a new user.  You're right, though, it's best to avoid
logging in as root except in emergency situations.

- -- 
 .''`.     Baloo Ursidae <baloo@ursine.dyndns.org>
: :'  :    proud Debian admin and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fix a system
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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