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Re: Graphical SSH/SFTP client for KDE?

daniel huhardeaux sikyal:

> JS Bangs wrote:
> >Hey all--
> >
> >This there a good client for joined ssh/sftp sessions that runs under KDE
> >[...]
> >
> ssh I don't know but for sftp kbear is your friend

It's my understanding that sftp implies ssh--sftp is just file transfer
through an ssh'ed connection.

And I like KBear and had been using it--but I don't see any way to start
an ssh/sftp session with it. Have I missed something?

Jesse S. Bangs jaspax@u.washington.edu

Jesus asked them, "Who do you say that I am?"

And they answered, "You are the eschatological manifestation of the ground
of our being, the kerygma in which we find the ultimate meaning of our
interpersonal relationship."

And Jesus said, "What?"

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