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Re: Upgrading method

Keith O'Connell wrote:
> Recently I have started to wonder how all this works with a major
> change, such as when "woody" becomes "stable". Will I just find that
> when I upgrade my packages one day that I have gone from "potato" to
> "woody"?

That's up to you, or rather, up to your /etc/apt/sources.list. If your
sources.list refers to potato by name, then apt will never upgrade you
beyond potato. When woody is released, you'll have to manually change it
to point to woody, and then the upgrade will occur.

If, on the other hand, your sources.list points to stable, apt will
track stable, right across major upgrades.

> That in itself is fine by me, but does the dselect method work for
> changes of kernel and similar key files?

Debian never replaces your current kernel with a new one. You have to
manually tell it to install a new kernel.

> If the kernel is changed am I then going to have to edit lilo by hand?

When you install a new kernel from a debian package, the package takes
care of setting up lilo for you.

> Oh yes, I have one other question. I was in conversation with someone 
> recently and might have misunderstood what was said, but when a package
> is reported in the "debian-security-announce" list, does and
> "update-upgrade" get the package from the stable group, or is there, as
> was suggested to me a separate site for security fixes that I should
> have in my sources list?

You should have this in your sources list:

deb http://security.debian.org/ stable/updates main contrib non-free

That will let you get security updates fastest.

see shy jo

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