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Re: It's MY computer, not Bill's!

> > I would like advice about partitioning.
> with 42Gb, you will be safe as follows:
> hda1   /boot    16M
> hda2   <swap>   your RAM size
> hda5   /        500M
> hda6   /usr     10G
> hda7   /home    29G
> hda8   /var     1G
> hda9   /tmp     1G

hell, with 42gb you'll need some serious effort to find a
limiting partition scheme.

if you're completely new to linux/unix, expect this:

1 - install & partition
2 - get it running
3 - install more stuff
4 - configure that, too
5 - decide to undo some stuff
6 - what the hey, START OVER FROM SCRATCH now that you 'know'
7 - partition according to your "du" vs "df" output
  (du = disk usage per directory node on down the tree,
   df = disk full info per partition)
8 - go to step 3

when you enter the linux world, you'll be amazed at the uptime
(167 days for my server downstairs) and perplexed at how much
there is that can be done, and how much there is to learn in
order to do it. you're about to enter a Kahuna Bigtime learning
experience that makes college finals look like pop quizzes. when
you begin to 'see the light' you'll wanna back up and start over
on occasion... i certainly have!

how big your various partitions need to be depend a lot on what
you're gonna do with your computer -- and if you're new to linux,
not even YOU will have the answer to that question! so dive in
and enjoy -- the folks here are remarkably helpful...

> > I would like advice about keeping W95.
> no! why?

only for legacy stuff that linux doesn't run. but if there's
nothing there you need, ditch it. (tho a 40+gb drive will have
room even for windows 98 plus debian, i'd think.)

> > I would like advice about which kernel to use.
> 2.4.2 works fine for me. especially the netfiltering is spiffy.

buy some potato/stable CDs (or download and burn the images
yourself). less vanguard, more solid. when you decide to play in
traffic, you can "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade" to move to
another release (unstable, testing, woody, sid) after munging the
/etc/apt/sources.list file...

> > Any other thoughts, ideas, hints, suggestions, etc.

expect vexation for the first 90 days. ask questions. snoop
around. learn. smile. enjoy.

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/newbieDoc -- newbies helping newbies

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