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Re: lost access to cdrom

Quoting serge delorme (sdelorme@megacom.net):

> CD-burning packages are not installed yet, I was just testing the drive
> after recompiling the kernel.
> As a user I could mount the drive but could not read it with a simple ls
> command... I would get a "permission denied" reply. 
> BUT this morning without having changed anything it works!
> I can read a data-cd and play a music-cd, but I don't understand why I can
> now and not yesterday. Is there something in the start-up scripts of cron
> that could do it? Thats the only stuff that ran since yesterday...

Usually this is because you
 . try it and fail with permission denied
 . login as root and add yourself to the group
 . try it again (perhaps even recalling the old command) and fail with
   permission denied
 . logout or reboot
 . try it and it works

You have to login *after* adding yourself to the group.

[I did notice that you posted sdelorme@ordino:~$ groups
sdelorme adm disk dialout cdrom floppy audio dip
but I don't know whether you pasted that from a different


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