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Re: Netscape /etc/resolv.conf problem

On Tue, Jan 23, 2001 at 01:26:47PM +0100, TimeBoy wrote:
> Hi!
> I´m new in the debianworld and need a god email program, but don´t know one.
> I need a program that is able to sort incomming mails by mailadress and put
> the mails into different directorys. Is there any software on the 9-CD set
> of debian potato 2.0 who is great for this job? I would be afraid if there
> is a package for the kde. Which email program do you recommend?

check out mutt (www.mutt.org). I do filtering with procmail.  Eric
Raymond has written a Mail-User-Howto, which might be interesting for
you. (It is in the linux-doc package).

BTW, please make a new message with a good subject the next time you
ask a question.

Thomas Guettler
Office: <guettli@interface-business.de> www.interface-business.de
Private:<guettli@gmx.de>  http://yi.org/guettli

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