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security issues


I use Debian at home and -- as soon as I get a break! -- am going to move
my at-work system over from SuSE to Debian.

One notable hole (a bad one) in my barely-year-old Linux knowledge base is
security. Since I deal with disgruntled IRC chatters and script kiddies 
nearly every day, this is becoming an issue.

Can anyone recommend good books / resources on this subject? The tech
department at work does a good job of keeping boxes here sealed off, but
I'd like to know more for my own good and for the system at home.

I've heard some good things about MAXIMUM LINUX SECURITY.



// G l e n n  B e c k e r                                                |
// Omnia quae sunt, lumina sunt                                          |  
// glenn@scifi.com                                                       | 

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