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Re: Firewall Rules

On Sun, Jan 07, 2001 at 01:16:29PM -0700, JD Kitch wrote:
> I have 2 nics in my Linux box.  One connected to my cable modem, and
> the other has a windows machine attached to it, which I do
> masquerading for.  I need to be able to connection via VPN from the
> windows box to an outside host.  Is there a way to easily determine
> what ports needs to be opened to accomplish this, or is there a way
> to masquerade for the windows machine, but not do any firewalling for
> that machine specifically, while still protecting my linux box?
> And lastly, can any one tell me what rule I could implement to still
> be able to use Napster?

there's several things to resolve, and probably a few more that
are beyond my awareness -- but here's what i'd look for:

1) modconf -> ipv4 -> select and install ip-masq modules that
look like they'd help with what you're after.

2) apt-get install ipmasq ... it'll take much of the worry and
sweat out of configuring your firewall rules.

3) keep reading and soon someone will continue this thread
showing where i'm all wet.

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