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Re: XFree / Font error

Hall Stevenson wrote:

> Running Debian Woody and XFree86 v4.0.1 and trying to get TrueType fonts
> under X. I've followed the instructions fully, I believe, but still no
> TT fonts. I finally ran across this error:
> Could not init font path element unix/:7101, removing from list!
> in /var/log/xdm.log.
> Any ideas how to fix this ?? xfs and xfstt are both running, although I
> understand it's not necessary with XFree v4.x.

To fix this, if i recall correctly, you should change "unix/:7101" in

On Debian planet (http://www.debianplanet.org) there is a very detailed article
about proper fonts setting with XFree86 4.

Hope this help...


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