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printing problems


I have just installed Potato Debian (first contact with linux), and I have
some printing problems.

Initially the BSD system didn’t run properly, but it ran, this took me to
test cups 1.1.4, and it didn’t run as I expected, and I decided to uninstall
cups, and install BSD Line Printer Spooling System Again, but now it doesn’t
run neither properly nor not properly.

My printer is an HP500C, and when I try to print something sending the
output directly to /dev/lp0, the printer prints (bad due to staircase
effect) , but when I use the printer daemon lpd, an error message appear:
typed command (lpc, lpr, lpq, ...): lp : Unknown Printer
If I use the –P argument , and specify the printer (lpr –P HP500C) , the
error message is:
lpr : HP500C: Unknown Printer

After reading the two printer HOWTOs, and a lot of FAQs, I find that  the
problem is usually due a typing mistake in  /etc/printcap, but I have check
my printcap file moreless 53 times, and I don’t find an error, this is my
printcap file:

# filtre file is a filter to prevent the staircase effect

The permissions, and paths of the printer related files in my computer are:

- /bin/lpr    -rwxr-xr-x   root.lp
- /bin/lpq     -rwxr-xr-x   root.lp
- /bin/lprm  -rwxr-xr-x   root.lp
-/sbin/lpc   -rwxr-xr-x   root.lp
- /sbin/lpd   -rwxr-xr-x   root.lp
- /etc/printcap   -rwxr-xr-x   root.root
- /var/spool/lpd/lp/.seq  -rw-rwr--  root.lp
- /var/spool/lpd/lp/lock    -rw-rwr--  root.lp
- /var/spool/lpd/lp/status    -rw-rwr--  root.lp
- /var/log/lp_errs    -rw-rwr--  root.lp
- /var/log/lp_acct   -rw-rwr--  root.lp
-/var/spool/lpd/lp/filtre -rwxr-xr-x  root.lp
-/var/spool/lpd/lp  drwxrwxr-x  root.lp

As a additional information:

The /dev/printer file appears in the gnome file manager:   =printer    0
(size)    last modification
When I try to open it with gedit this errror message appear:
“An error was encountered while opening the file “/dev/printer”. Please make
sure the file exists.
Due to my lack of experience with linux I don’t now if it’s normal.

I have already tried without succees  the command MAKEDEV lp.

Could anybody help me?

Many thanks

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