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Linking external libs with lapack and atlas


  I'm packaging a very small home-made library (to compute unbalanced
nested anova) [1].
  In my code, I call clapack_dtrtri and clapack_dgesv functions for
  To build, I need to build depends on libatlas-base-dev as these
functions seems only be available in the liblapack library
*provided by atlas*. Indeed, the liblapack library in the
liblapack3gf does not have theses symbols.

  However, as liblapack exists in the /usr/lib location,
dpkg-shlibs does not record the runtime dependency on the
libatlas3gf-base package. I need to add to manually.
  Is there something I'm missing here ?
  Is it normal that liblapack3gf and libatlas3gf-base provide two
libraries with the same name and soname but with a different set
of symbols ?
  Is it normal that dpkg-shlibs does not work in this case ?
  Am I correct in adding manually a unversioned runtime dependency
on libatlas3gf-base (I'm supposing that the automatic versioned
on liblapack3gf and the package relations between liblapack3gf and
libatlas3gf-base will make this workaround working) ?


[1] The package is not (yet ?) in Debian but it can be found here:
http://moais.imag.fr/membres/vincent.danjean/deb.html#nanova or here:

Vincent Danjean       GPG key ID 0x9D025E87         vdanjean@debian.org
GPG key fingerprint: FC95 08A6 854D DB48 4B9A  8A94 0BF7 7867 9D02 5E87
Unofficial pacakges: http://www-id.imag.fr/~danjean/deb.html#package
APT repo:  deb http://perso.debian.org/~vdanjean/debian unstable main

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