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Bug#1070150: Loading of expl3.ltx **extremely** slow on emulated runs

    it looks like the LuaTeX binaries were compiled with "-g -O2", but
    running "readelf" and "objdump" shows that they're stripped, so I
    don't think that that's the issue here.

FWIW, it's my understanding that what matters for execution speed is not
the presence or absence of debug symbols (-g), but whether optimization
was enabled (-O2 or similar).

   Debian Sid    arm64  LuaTeX: 0m15.392s
   Debian Sid    arm64  pdfTeX: 0m7.914s
   TeX Live 2023 arm64  LuaTeX: 0m0.737s
   TeX Live 2023 x86_64 pdfTeX: 0m0.156s
   TeX Live 2023 x86_64 LuaTeX: 0m0.156s

Not sure whether to conclude it's arm-specific or sid-specific or both
from those numbers, but I suppose a few more runs would show.

LuaTeX 2024 could be getting slowed down a bit by the additional access
checking, I suppose, but there were no significant changes in pdfteX in
2024, so that can't be the whole explanation.

FWIW, building lualatex.fmt on my x86_64-linux (Rocky Linux 9.3) home
machine, with the TL luahbtex binary, took about six seconds.
Rebuilding all the formats took about 80 seconds, last time it happened.


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