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Bug#1067614: texlive-latex-extra: pdfcomment docs reference the cloud instead of local files; also font option broken

Hi Manny,

thanks for the detailed and long report, but I fear that none of the
issues are related to Debian nor TeX Live itself either.

On Sun, 24 Mar 2024, Manny wrote:
> There is a Debian-specific bug in the manual located here:
>   /usr/share/doc/texlive-doc/latex/pdfcomment/pdfcomment.pdf
> Page 7 links to example.pdf here:
>   http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/pdfcomment/doc/example.pdf

This is what the source document does. We don't rewrite all the source
documents, nor do we compile all the pdfs, neither does TeX Live.
Thus, this is an issue that can only be fixed by upupstream.

> Apart from that minor issue, there’s a bigger problem upstream. The
> “font” option is somewhat broken. Use of the font option produces

Again, this is a problem of the original package, nothing we here at
Debian nor I over at TeX Live can deal with.

> Poppler is apparently dropping the ball on fonts, even the so-called

I wouldn't be surprised, Poppler in Debian has an nearly infinite
history of breaking APIs as well as everything else. There is a reason
we on the TeX Live side use an embedded libpoppler, since anything else
is a guarantee for breakage.

> It’s worth noting that the Debian Social Contract (DSC) and Debian
> Free Software Guidelines (DFSG) condemn discrimination. Blind people
> cannot likely get passed all those CAPTCHAs to reach the upstream bug
> tracker. One might say the upstream bug tracker is not Debian’s
> problem. OTOH, the texlive package (understandably) steers people to
> file bugs upstream because this beast has the complexity of an OS in
> itself. But at the same time there’s an infrastructural problem when
> people are being directed into those shitty upstream walled gardens
> particularly when thy are discriminatory. I don’t have the answer --
> just laying out the problem.

Sorry to hear that, but again, this is out of our reach. We cannot save
the world and all software developers.
As said, at Debian we cannot do anything to fix this.
At TeX Live, we cannot do either.

Best regards


PREINING Norbert                              https://www.preining.info
arXiv / Cornell University   +   IFMGA Guide   +   TU Wien  +  TeX Live
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