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Bug#1035461: texlive-binaries: Allow install of TeXlive without SSE2

On 06.05.2023 08:15, Norbert Preining wrote:

Hi Norbert,

Or you could drop building luaJIT completely. fmtutil already ignores
errors from missing luajit* engines, so that would be an easy way.
And if Debian requires halfway decent machines, the it can be

This is for fmtutil from TL 2022.

fmtutil [INFO]: log file copied to:
fmtutil [INFO]: /var/lib/texmf/web2c/xetex/pdfcsplain.fmt installed.
fmtutil [ERROR]: not building luajithbtex due to missing engine: luajithbtex
fmtutil [ERROR]: not building luajittex due to missing engine: luajittex
fmtutil [INFO]: disabled formats: 2
fmtutil [INFO]: successfully rebuilt formats: 53
fmtutil [INFO]: failed to build: 2 (luajithbtex/luajithbtex
fmtutil [INFO]: total formats: 57
fmtutil [INFO]: exiting with status 2

Exit status != 0 is not really good. Maybe this changed in TL 2023.

We need *luajit* for texlive-extra-utils.


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