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Bug#930850: texlive-latex-extra: Update listings macro separator

Control: notforwarded -1

Am 23.06.2019 um 21:25 teilte Xavier Gendre mit:
Le 23/06/2019 à 17:15, Hilmar Preuße a écrit :

Hi Xavier,

Thanks, I wrote a mail to Martin Scharrer yesterday.

Known @upstream, marking. If you want to provide help, please contact
upstream author.

I just pushed a pull request to fix it on Bitbucket, hope that it will be accepted soon.

The bitbucket repo is gone, the code is on https://sourceforge.net/p/lstaddons/code/ci/default/tree/ now. Please be so kind to open a new issue in the hope to get a fix at any time in the future.


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