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Bug#1013283: info: "info" crashes with "aborted" message, in any attempt to run it.

Am 21.06.2022 um 17:27 teilte hudson@hudsonlacerda.com mit:
----- Em 21 de Jun de 2022, em 11:40, Hilmar Preuße hille42@web.de escreveu:
Am 21.06.2022 um 15:19 teilte hudson@hudsonlacerda.com mit:

Hi Hudson,

It is a typo in pt_BR:

bug: no command <get-inffo-help-node>

Sorry, I don't understand.

"bug: no command <get-inffo-help-node>" is the message the new[1] info package generates.
[1] ( https://freeshell.de/~hille42/1013283/ )

It is consistent with previous gdb backtracing:


1. Does fixing the typo solved the issue?

I do not know which file the typo cames from, but I think fixing the
translation typo would fix the issue — only until the next typo.

It is here:

hille@sid-amd64:~$ strings /usr/share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/texinfo.mo|grep inffo o Info %s. Digite \[get-help-window] p/ ajuda,\[get-inffo-help-node] p/ tutorial.

However this is a binary file, it is generated from the pt_BR.po, which is located in the source tree of texinfo.

I admit that the typo needs to be fixed, but I'd not expect that a program crashed b/c of a typo in a translation file. We should address this primarily.

2. Did you update the info package to solve the issue?

Yes. Now it just displays for a short time this message:
"bug: no command <get-inffo-help-node>"

As the patch solves the crash issue I'll upload a new texinfo package containing the patch and close this bug then.

The translation file can be found here [1], the contact information is in the header of the file. Feel free to contribute here.

[1] https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/texinfo.git/tree/po/pt_BR.po

Maybe it was explicitly coded to abort() [2] ?

                if (!command)
-                abort ();

Seems to be correct...and was now replaced by a more clean info_error message.

I'll try to upload the fixed version ASAP.


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