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Bug#1003634: closed by Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at> (Re: Bug#1003634: texlive-latex-base: \fontseries broken: seems to be cumulative until {m} or so?)

reopen 1003634

Hi Norbert,

>> \fontfamily{Roboto-TLF}\fontseries{c}\fontsize{12pt}{12pt}\selectfont%
>> This is \f@series{} and should be c.
>> \fontfamily{Roboto-TLF}\fontseries{b}\fontsize{40pt}{40pt}\selectfont%
>> This is \f@series{} and should be b.
>Fontseries combines weight and width, and thus theoretically any
>combination of weight (ul,el,l,sl,m,sb,b,eb,ub) and width
>(uc,ec,c,sc,sx,x,ex,ux) are possible.
>So c = width, b = weight, can be combined.

I know that they can be combined.

>When you then switch to m = width this is reset.

This does not match the documentation.


This says:

          Select the font series. A series combines a weight and a width. Typically, a font supports only a
          few of the possible combinations. Some common combined series values include:

This implies that \fontseries{series} assigns series to \f@series.
Nowhere does it mention concatenation, or that ‘m’ (alone? others?)
resets it; the only mention of ‘m’ is…

          When forming the series string from the weight and width, drop the m that stands for medium
          weight or medium width, unless both weight and width are m, in which case use just one (‘m’).

… which basically says that, if your combination includes ‘m’ and
other things, you can drop one ‘m’.


I was there earlier! ;-)

The question, all answers and all comments also do *not* mention
that it’s cumulative and reset by ‘m’; they also indicate rather
the contrary (that it’s set to the value given as #1).

>Closing the bug

Respectfully disagree here. At least we have a severe documentation
bug, if not an implementation bug if the documentation is correct
in that it should not accumulate.

“The final straw, to be honest, was probably my amazement at the volume of
petty, peevish whingeing certain of your peers are prone to dish out on
d-devel, telling each other how to talk more like a pretty princess, as though
they were performing some kind of public service.” (someone to me, privately)

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