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Bug#922500: luatex and broken locales

Control: reassign -1 texlive-binaries

Am 19.02.2019 um 10:22 teilte luigi scarso mit:
On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 5:50 AM Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at <mailto:preining@logic.at>> wrote:

Hi all,

Old issue, I know: https://bugs.debian.org/922500

    here on Debian we got a bug report that luatex cannot build formats
    under a broken locale. I can reproduce this on standard TeX Live, too:
             $ LC_TIME=en_DE.UTF-8 luatex -ini   -jobname=luatex
    -progname=luatex luatex.ini
             Unable to read environment locale: exit now.
    (same on dev version)

    It comes from the code of luainit
             env_locale = setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
             if (!env_locale && !lua_only) {
                 fprintf(stderr,"Unable to read environment locale: exit

    I agree that the locale is completely broken, and the system does not
    support this locale.

    BUT it would be nice if luatex would not crash on such a setup, at least
    during format build?


It's not a bug,  luatex wants a sane locale  --- building a format or not, it doesn't matter.
We can change it, but for sure not for texlive 2019.

Did you change anything for this issue? I'm not able to reproduce the issue any more, but I do not see any change in luainit.c, which expects to solve.


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