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Re: "missing" file

Am 11.04.2020 um 11:44 teilte Pierre Couderc mit:
> On 4/11/20 10:35 AM, Hilmar Preuße wrote:
>> Am 11.04.2020 um 08:16 teilte Pierre Couderc mit:
>>> On 4/11/20 1:57 AM, Norbert Preining wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 10 Apr 2020, Pierre Couderc wrote:


>>>>> LaTeX Error: File `makecmds.sty' not found
>>>> Install texlive-latex-extra
>>> Fine, thank you very much!
>>> But please note this is a bug in debian packaging of texlive. Should I
>>> fill a bug report or this mail is enough...?
>> What do you suggest as solution? makecmds.sty should be removed from
>> texlive-lang-french to avoid confusion?
>> Below /usr/share/doc/texlive-doc/latex/epslatex-fr/ are a lot more style
>> files installed and for all of them we'd need to evaluate if they are
>> duplications.
> I am sorry that I am a basic user, and a debian user. I do not
> understand what is in the debian texlive packages...
> What I see is that makecmds.sty is missing so lualatex does not work.
Well, the main error you made is that files below .../texlive-doc are
not read when processing TeX files, so I would not expect them there.
Once you know this, you may use apt-file to search for the Debian
packages containing the file and this should have pointed you to

> I cannot suggest something, except maybe include texlive-latex-extra
> somewhere (in texlive package?) so that the bug  does not occur,  or
> maybe include it not as a dependency if it is a problem but as
> "recommended".
> But certainly you have  a better solution...
The only improvement I can give is to remove the sty file from
.../texlive-doc to avoid confusion at the end user side.

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