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Bug#938656: texlive-extra: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye

Am 31.01.2020 um 11:21 teilte Norbert Preining mit:

Hi Norbert,

>> could you please have a look at this bug soon? texlive-science is the
> Well, I will upload some packages at some point in the future, which
> simply upgrades all py2 to py3 deps, not taking into consideration
> whether the actual files/scripts support/can be used with Py3.
> We are talking about 10000+ files to be checked, and the gratious 
> deprecation of Py2 creates a bit of problems in TeX, where packages
> that have been written 20 years ago are **still** in use, despite
> not having a maintainer.
> So, let us happily break all this.
I'm not sure what you mean if you say "all this". Currently I see just
one python script in texlive-sience

hille@sid:~ $ dpkg -L texlive-science|grep \.py$

..and yes it depends on python-sympy. Nevertheless I think we can drop
the recommendation on python-sympy and the dep on python2: it will just
break /one/ script.

On github you'll notice that the script author already did some steps to
support python3, but I guess it is not completed yet.

#206401 http://counter.li.org

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